Osteogenesis Imperfecta Physical Therapy for Kids

Joint Hypermobility

Joint Hypermobility
What is Physical Therapy?
Gait Analysis
Early Intervention
Services your child may be eligible for
Spica cast - advice from insiders
Positioning and Handling Infants

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With the advances in care of children with OI (pamidronate and early roddings) so many of the OI kids are now ambulatory and must battle the effects of hypermobility of the joints. It seems to be the most limiting factor for my daughter right now. Of course, each child with OI is like a snowflake. Some are more affected by hypermobility than others. Some more severe kids have haypermobility in some joints and limitations in movement in others.

While I build this site I will add more information on the care of hypermobile joints through dynamic splinting as well as techniques to increase proprioception. If anyone wants this information now, please email me. I will them make it a priority.

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