This site is designed as an online source for physical therapy information for physical therapists and parents of children
with osteogenesis imperfecta. It is created by a pediatric physical therapist and parent of a child osteogenesis imperfecta.
EVERY CHILD WITH OI IS DIFFERENT. This site tries to provide some information for children of all severities. You
must understand the severity of your child and apply the information provided in an appropriate manner. Please remember that
the information provided here is not for all children with OI.
Physical therapy is not only a place where a child goes for "treatment". PT will become a way of life for children
with OI. PT is how a mother positions her OI infant for play, it is when a toddler with OI reaches up to paint at an easel,
it is when a child with OI chooses to go swimming with friends on a Saturday instead of to a movie.
This site is compiled from current literature on PT for children with OI. It also provides information from physical
therapists, occupational therapists, physicians and podiatrist with experience working with children with OI. And most importantly,
it is filled with information provided by parents with children with OI. These are the true OI experts!
This site is unique. All experts on OI know that PT is an important treatment for children with osteogenesis imperfecta.
It is important to increase mobility after a fracture, after a rodding surgery and to as a way to increase strength, manage
hypermobility, increase bone density through muscle pull and weightbearing, improve funcitonal abilities and developmental